

  • 01 TikTok

TikTok for business came to us wanting to create a case study story of their successes, working with different brands who use their platform.

Our approach was to not just tell a traditional case study but to use a storyteller to show TikTok’s flexibility as a platform and tell their story to an audience in a fresh way. We created a template for future case.

We teamed up with local environmental agency, Bee’ah, and collected plastic from prominent influencers from around the region so we could show them, and the audience, the enormity of their personal contribution to the problem.

The influencers had no idea what we were doing with the plastic, and on a night a few weeks after we collected the plastic, were driven to a warehouse, where one by one, they walked in to find themselves faced with the actual amount of plastic they use in a week, and then, a year.

The shock had a ripple effect. The influencers shared their experience with the audience and the installation went viral.